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Sports massage

What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage is a manual therapy which is used to identify and treat through palpation (touch) and joint movement, the quality of the soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue.

A treatment will consist of a thorough case history and an evaluation will allow the massage therapist to ascertain which tissues are affected and causing restrictions and/or pain to the affected areas. The massage therapist can then draw on a range of hands on techniques such as massage, stretching, trigger pointing and myofascial release to address the restricted tissues.

Ultimately the therapist will assist blood and lymphatic flow to the area which will help remove waste products and flush the area with fresh nutrient rich fluid which will help the affected tissue back to optimal function. Some techniques are employed to help break up scar (knotted and painful) tissue to allow the tissues to move effectively.

Who can benefit from Sports Massage?

Although the title suggests sports massage is aimed at the active sportsperson it is not exclusive to this group. Sports massage can help everybody as we all experience at some time or other tired or overworked muscles which need some manual therapy to help them work optimally. So whilst sports massage may benefit the athlete in returning to sports from injury, reducing injury risk or trying to maintain optimal conditioning for performance it can be equally beneficial to the non sportsperson.

Although the title suggests sports massage is aimed at the active sportsperson it is not exclusive to this group. Sports massage can help everybody as we all experience at some time or other tired or overworked muscles which need some manual therapy to help them work optimally. So whilst sports massage can benefit greatly the athlete in returning to sports from injury, reducing injury risk or trying to maintain optimal conditioning for performance it is equally beneficial to the non sportsperson. Occupational tasks and activities of daily living can be facilitated by sports massage treatments. For example the tension experienced by many people in their upper backs and necks through working at computer terminals can be effectively treated using sports massage techniques.

Sports Massage my help to:

Improve circulation and lymphatic flow

Assist in the removal of metabolic waste

Increase or decrease muscle tone

Assist in remodelling of scar tissue

Assist in mental preparation for sporting participation

Help to restore mobility and range of movement to injured muscle tissue

Relax the body

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